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- Middenheim Maulers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Elfheim Eagles€ 42,00€ 33,99
- Norsca Rampagers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Athelorn Avengers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Doom Lords€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Dwarf Giants€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Wolfenburg Crypt-Stealers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Champions of Death€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Greenfield Grasshuggers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Skavenblight Scramblers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Nurgle's Rotters€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Crud Creek Nosepickers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Thunder Valley Greenskins€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Fire Mountain Gut Busters€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Scarcrag Snivellers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Gwaka'moli Crater Gators€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Skull-Tribe Slaughterers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- Kara Temple Harpies€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Bögenhafen Barons€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Naggaroth Nightmares€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Zharr-Naggrund Ziggurats (Chaos Dwarf Team)€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Drakfang Thirsters€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Underworld Creepers€ 42,00€ 33,99
- The Gouged Eye€ 42,00€ 37,99