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Death Guard Mortarion

43-49 Death Guard Mortarion

43-49 Death Guard Mortarion43-49 Death Guard Mortarion43-49 Death Guard Mortarion43-49 Death Guard Mortarion

€ 135,00 € 107,99

Auf Lager

Mortarion features huge, decaying wings – these are modelled with pockmarks, holes and tears, representing the horror and decay of Nurgle’s hordes. Speaking of Nurgle’s hordes, there are plenty of extras with this kit – 2 Nurgling Drones carrying phosphex bombs hang from the chains on Mortarion’s armour, with a further 3 on the base: 1 carries a Chaos icon, one waves a censer and one carries a tank of unmentionably horrid substances. The base itself is detailed with rocks which themselves are being corrupted by the foul presence of the Daemon Primarch. Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle comes as 78 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 100mm Round base.

Unassembled and unpainted!


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