Warhammer Underworlds Nethermaze:Hexbane's Hunters
This set contains:
- 6x push-fit Hexbane's Hunters miniatures – no glue required to assemble, cast in solemn grey to stand out even when unpainted.
- 6x double-sided fighter cards, one for each warrior in the warband – Haskel Hexbane, Brydget Axwold, Aemos Duncarrow, Quiet Pock, Grotbiter, and Ratspike.
- A further 66 cards to enhance your fighters and provide new tactics and challenges for your games of Warhammer Underworlds Nethermaze, including: 12x Hexbane's Hunters objective cards, 10x Hexbane's Hunters upgrade cards, 10x Hexbane's Hunters gambit cards (includes 1x Domain card), 6x Universal objective cards, usable by any warband, 7x Universal upgrade cards, usable by any warband (includes 1x Map card), 7x Universal gambit cards, usable by any warband (includes 2x Domain cards), 12x Grand Alliance cards, usable by any warband belonging to the specified Grand Alliance, 1x Hexbane's Hunters Warband Background / Rivals Deck Card, 1x cover card
Unassembled and unpainted!