Webshop » Dragons » Freyr The Stormbreaker

Freyr The Stormbreaker

AS DNL0014 Freyr The Stormbreaker

AS DNL0014 Freyr The StormbreakerAS DNL0014 Freyr The StormbreakerAS DNL0014 Freyr The StormbreakerAS DNL0014 Freyr The Stormbreaker

€ 30,00 € 23,99


Did you hear that, adventurer? Thunders herald Freyr the Stormbreaker. You should better keep your head low before he toasts you. This dragon is the real master of the sky. No storm, cloud, or hurricane could stop him. The legend says that whoever will defeat the Freyr will take over his unlimited power! Are you brave enough to challenge him?

Unassembled and unpainted!


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